Friday, April 23, 2004

A Few Changes

Added some links for Camille's many, count 'em 4, blogs.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

New Contributor

Camille from IMFO has accepted the invitation to add some oomph to this here fan blog.

Welcome Camille. We look forward to your joining in on the fun.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

New Signup List Beta

Well gang,
the original signup list was kind of bobo, I'll admit. Apparently just because you sign up, it doesn't always sign you up. Well, it was a list that was free through my ISP and turns out is pretty squirrelly. I apologize for that.

Soooo, Here's what I'm doing. I'm setting up a maillist through my blog host. You can sign up here. I'm still in the process of setting it up but signing up should work fine. And then when Frank wants to email us all he's got an easy way to do it. And maybe we'll all get it.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Is Frank J. talking to you?

Frank J. has sent an email. If you signed up for the fan club and got it, great, you know what to expect.

If you did not return to the the signup sheet and enter the enter the password from your verification email, you MUST do so in order to be on the list.

If you did not get a verification email from the address list, then you did not enter a valid email address. You must enter a valid email {duh}.

Frank J. is not going to spam anyone. To prevent even the possibility of this, the verification password is required as the list's way of verifying you actually own the email address that is entered.

If you did follow instructions like a good Frank J. fan and still have not gotten the email, you need to let me know. Comment here.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Signup sheet full again!

Due to MORE overwhelming response from Frank J. Fans everywhere.
How about that!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

New Contest at IMAO.

Of course, it's brilliant. Check it out.

Anybody here signed up for it? I'm just asking.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Signup sheet full?

Well it was full, due to overwhelming response from Frank J. Fans everywhere.

I archived the addresses off to a safe place.

Now it's not full anymore! So sign up to your heart's content.

Give Frank J. his props.

Friday, April 02, 2004


Added link to the new home of my other blog.

The fanclub list is growing. There is still time to join.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Yvonnes Ashes

Yvonne's Ashes

Who would like to see more on this thread?

I would! It sorta left us hangin'.

A bunch of you too, I'm sure. Let me hear ya.

Sign Up

Frank J. said he isn't going to send out anything just yet, so you still have time to get on the list.

Don't be the only one on your block who isn't in the Frank J. Fan Club.

Sign up today!